Thursday, January 20, 2011

Forex Blog - How to Avoid a Fake Forex Blog

It is sad but true, but there are too many forex scams out there and most are run in a forex blog. Anytime you are dealing with a financial instrument that requires in depth knowledge, you are bound to find someone who takes advantage of the lack of knowledge.
The forex market is littered with hundreds of products that claim the impossible financial dream. Take a look at some of the headlines: $1000 a day trading forex, How I became a millionaire trading forex, 100% automated forex profits. If you are one of those people who have fallen for a forex scam, I hear you.
The problem is that forex scam websites are being created everyday with impossible stories of making a killing trading forex in your underwear. What they forget to tell you is why they need to sell $10 forex e-books if they are making $1000 a day. The simple reason is that they sell 100 of those e-books every day.
Forex Trading is a good business. All good businesses require that you learn and also are disciplined enough to achieve your goals. I have yet to meet anyone who has turned a $100 mini forex account into $1 million. If you know the guy, please inform me.
There are traders in the forex market making huge profits, and their common attribute is hard work, long hours, constant learning and some very bad days. There is no short cut in forex trading. When you start out in forex trading, you are going to find many a forex blog promising you a short cut. These are some of the things you will notice from a scam forex blog:
  • Fake Forex Trading Results. Do not be cheated by forex screen shots that show a profit every day. There is no professional trader who does not have bad days. In fact, you can have long periods of losing trades. Anyone showing perfect trading results is probably lying.
  • Copying other content. You may be surprised but someone who is not trading has no new ideas. They will scour the internet, grab information and print it on their sites.
  • Selling each and every new forex e-book. When trading profitably, you tend to stick to one or two ideas that work. Anyone pretending to tell you how good each and every forex trading system is working is probably lying to you.
  • Dead forex blogs. It is sad but true that many forex blogs die within 6 months. There is only so much lying you can do.
  • A forex blog owner with more than 10 websites. Forex trading is a full time job. How someone can have the time to run more than 3 websites is still a mystery to me.
Not all forex blogs are made by scam artists. There are some that have proven over the years to offer information that is relevant to every trader. They may not be famous, but the information they have can change your life. If you are going to be successful trading forex, you should research and find a good forex system and a good forex blog that you can profit from.


Asher said...

Very nice posts mate, very nice indeed. Its a shame that Forex invites a lot of Fake people to rip off those who dont know what they are doing.

Good luck,

Forex Chap said...

Hello Asher,we at fxtrendman truely appreciate your comments and look forward to your continious contributions and support.

Our dream is to enlighten as many as possible to fully understanding the markets and using the right methods as an appraoch that would definately yeild good results.Thankyou.